If you are looking to raise a ticket with us, please review the following information
Prior to raising a ticket, you need to follow this process:
- Investigate the issue locally and check questions such as
- What testing have you done so far to identify the issue in your org (profiles, permissions, heirachies, field level security etc)
- Is this issue also showing in any sandbox environment you have set up?
- Is this an issue you can replicate as a system admin? If so, please capture/document the steps required to replicate the problem.
- Is this issue specific to one or a few named users, profiles or groups? Or all users affected?
- Do all affected users have the correct permission set?
- Do the affected users have licenses assigned?
- Are page layouts correct and assigned to the users?
- Have you checked the Field Level Security settings and identified no access issues here?
- Are the issues affecting a particular hierarchy?
- What browsers are in use? Has the cache been cleared?
- If the investigations suggest this is an application error then please raise a ticket on the helpdesk. Be sure to detail the steps required for the problem to be replicated
- Grant subscriber access > allow Outside In Sales & Marketing Ltd access to the affected org so the development team can investigate the issue
We will not accept tickets that have not completed the checks above.
The process is outlined below